We are passionate about leading the energy transformation via the reduction and offset of well CO₂ footprints and smart operations. As part of that commitment, we're taking things to the next level when it comes to smart contracts and ESG reporting.
We've partnered with DATA GUMBO to become the first well management company to bring smart and automated transactions to our clients, whether in the North Sea, Mediterranean or Africa. 
Transactional Certainty
GumboNet brings transactional certainty to contractors in remote location environments by guaranteeing payments and dramatically improving cashflow through pre-agreed blockchain technology.  The result? Our clients receive major efficiencies in cost control and transparency while automatically receiving auditable records.
Automated ESG Measurement
Aligned to SASB international standards, GumboNet ESG is the first automated and accurate sustainability measurement solution that ties a company’s operational data to environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards reporting. 
Critically, it allows us to report on a well's carbon footprint in real time, giving our clients the data they need to measure - and progress - sustainability.  By implementing GumboNet EGS, we can now provide clients with a variety of CO₂ offset opportunities, with straightforward explanations around cost versus emission choices.
Mike Simpson, Managing Director, EXCEED Norge said:  "Key to entering this partnership has been the local presence of DATA GUMBO in Stavanger, who directly support EXCEED Norge in our global operations. This is a genuinely collaborative partnership - we have a lot to learn about payment automation and blockchain technology, while DATA GUMBO can now become familiar with the terms and complexities for successful payment criteria in our global operations. It’s a win-win partnership and one that we are delighted to be involved in.”
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